Getting Started

System Requirements

Supported Android Versions:

You can install Quick Heal Mobile Security on any of the following Android-supported mobile devices.

  • Android 10.0 and later versions.
  • Supported Android Screen Resolutions: Supports all Android screens.

Downloading and Installing Quick Heal Mobile Security

To download and install Quick Heal Mobile Security, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Play store.
  2. Search for the Quick Heal Mobile Security app.
  3. Download and install the Quick Heal Mobile Security app.

Quick Heal Mobile Security is added to the Apps list on your device.

Registering Quick Heal Mobile Security

After installation, you must register/activate Quick Heal Mobile Security to use all the features and protect your device

To register Quick Heal Mobile Security, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Apps list on your device and open the Quick Heal Mobile Security app.
    The license agreement appears.
  2. Tap Proceed. The welcome screen appears.
  3. Enter your name.
  4. Enter your phone number and tap Send OTP. Quick Heal verifies your mobile number using the OTP received.
  5. Tap Next. You are redirected to Protect my device screen.
  6. Quick Heal requires access to contacts and phone calls. Tap GRANT ALL.
  7. Then are redirected to Enable protection from fake links/websites screen.
  8. Quick Heal requires accessibility permissions to enable security from fake links/websires. Tap GRANT ACCESS.
  9. On the Accessibility Screen, navigate to Downloaded apps and search for Quick Heal.
  10. Enable the toggle button for Quick Heal and tap Allow to grant Quick Heal full control of your device.
  11. Tap back icon two times. You are redirected to Connect a Google Account screen.
  12. Select the required Google account and tap NEXT. Further you are asked to Choose a Plan for your device:
    • To purchase via Play Store, select a plan and Tap PROCEED. Continue with the instructions to complete the purchase.
    • Tap USE PRODUCT KEY, if you already have purchased Quick Heal. Enter the product key.
    • Note: Applicable if you have already purchased the license with existing email account.

    • Tap CONTINUE WITH FREE VERSION, if you want to try the trial version of product.
    • Tap Transfer Ownership if you want to transfer license from the existing device to current device. You need to uninstall Quick Heal from the existing device.
      (If you do not uninstall Quick Heal from existing device after transferring ownership, a piracy screen is displayed on current device after virus database update. You will not be able to Quick Heal on the current device unless QuickHeal app is uninstalled from previous device.)
      A license activation screen is displayed with the validity details.
  13. Tap NEXT to continue. The Registration Complete screen is displayed.

Note: If you are proceeding with the free version, an UPGRADE TO PREMIUM option is displayed. After tapping on UPGRADE TO PREMIUM, you can purchase the premium plan via Play store or Product key through the Quick Heal website.

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