View Quarantine Files

This feature helps you safely isolate the infected or suspected files. When a file is quarantined, Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition encrypts the file and keeps it inside the Quarantine directory. Being kept in an encrypted format, these files cannot be executed and hence are safe. Quarantine also keeps a copy of the infected file before repairing. You can take a backup of the files also before taking an action.

Launching Quarantine Files

  1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  2. On the left pane, click Settings and then click View Quarantine.
    A list of all quarantined and backed up files is displayed.
  3. You can perform the following tasks on the Quarantine dialog:

    | Buttons | Description |
    | ——————- | ———————————————————— |
    | Submit for Analysis | Helps you send a quarantined file to the Quick Heal research labs for analysis. We will analyze the file and create an appropriate solution in future. |
    | Add | Helps you quarantine a file manually. |
    | Restore | Helps you restore a quarantined file to its original location. When you find a quarantined file trustworthy and try to restore it, an option for adding the file to the exclusion list appears. You can add the file to the exclusion list so that the same file is not treated as suspected and quarantined again. |
    | Delete | Helps you delete a quarantined file. Select a quarantined file and click **Delete**. |
    | Delete All | Helps you delete all the quarantined files at one go. |

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