Report Settings

Reports on all activities of the Quick Heal AntiVirus Server EditionAntiVirus Server Edition product are generated. You can use these reports to verify what all activities are going on such as whether your computer has been scanned, any malware has been detected, or any blocked website has been visited.
Such reports keep on adding up in the report list. You can set the rule when these reports should be removed automatically. The default setting for deleting reports is 30 days. You can also retain the reports if you need them.

Configuring Report Settings

To configure Report Settings, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  2. On the left pane, click Settings and then click Report Settings.
    The Report Settings screen appears.
  3. Select Delete reports after, and then select the number of days after which the reports should be removed automatically.
    If you clear Delete reports after, no reports will be removed.
  4. To apply the settings, click Save Changes.
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