Renewing Quick Heal offline

Before renewing Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition offline, ensure that you have the product key, installation number, renewal code, and activation license key ready with you.

Renewing Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition offline

To renew Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition offline, follow these steps.

  1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.

  2. On the left pane, click the More option and then select the About option.

    If your product license has expired, the Renew Now button is displayed on the dashboard in Status. To renew your license, click Renew Now.

    If your computer is not connected to the Internet the Offline Renewal options appear.

  3. Click Renew Offline.

    The Renew Offline page appears with a 12-digit Installation Number, a Product Key, Product Version, and an offline renewal URL. Note down these details as you will need them to generate an activation key.

    You need to generate an activation key and renew your license using the activation key.

  4. Click Browse to select the .key. Click Renew.

    Your license is renewed successfully and the expiry date of your license is displayed.

  5. To close the screen, click Finish.

Generating activation license key

To generate an activation license key, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the offline renewal page at

    An Off-Line Renewal page appears.

  2. Under your product version, click the link **Click here**.

    Ensure that you have the Product Key and Installation Number (as described in the preceding section), and renewal code with you.

  3. Enter the Product Key, Installation Number, Product Version, Purchased Renewal Code and then click Submit.

    Upon verification of the provided data, the succeeding screen displays the user name, registered email address, and contact number. If your email address and contact number have changed, you can update them or else click Submit.

    A new offline activation license key is generated. This key is unique and can be used only once. Save this key to renew Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition offline. This key is also sent to your email address that you provided during registration of the product.

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