Scan Schedule

Scanning regularly helps you keep your system free from virus and other types of infections. This feature allows you to define a schedule when to begin scanning of your system automatically. You can define multiple numbers of scan schedules to initiate scan at your convenience.

Configuring Scan Schedule

  1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  2. On the left pane, click Protection and then click Scan Settings.
  3. On the Scan Settings screen, click Scan Schedule.
    The Scan Schedule details screen appears.
  4. To define a new scan schedule, click New.
  5. In Scan Name, type a scan name.
  6. Under Scan Frequency, select the following options based on your preferences:
    • Scan Frequency:
      • Daily: Select this option if you want to initiate scanning of your system daily. This option is selected by default.
      • Weekly: Select this option if you want to initiate scanning of your system on a certain day of the week. When you select the Weekly option, the Weekdays drop-down list is activated so you can select a day of the week.
    • Scan time:
      • Start at first boot: This helps you schedule the scanner to begin at the first boot of the day. If you select this option, you do not need to specify the time of the day to start the scan. Scanning takes place only during the first boot regardless what time you start the system.
      • Start at: Select this option to initiate the scanning of your system at a certain time. If you select this option, the time drop-down list is activated where you can set the time for scanning. By default, this option is selected.

        You can further define how often the scan should begin in the Everyday and Repeat scan after every options.

    • Scan priority
      • High: Helps you set high scan priority.
      • Low: Helps you set low scan priority . By default, this option is selected.
  7. Under Scan Settings, you can specify scan mode, define the advanced options for scanning, action to be performed when virus is found and whether you want a backup of the files before taking any action on them. The default setting is adequate for scanning to keep your system clean.
  8. In the Username text box, enter your username and your password in the Password text box.
  9. Run task as soon as possible if missed: Select this option if you want to initiate scanning when the scheduled scan is missed. This is helpful in case your system was switched off and the scan schedule passed, later when you switch on the system, the scan schedule will automatically start as soon as possible.
    This option is available only on Microsoft Windows 7 SP 1 and later operating systems.
  10. Click Next.
    The Configure Scan Schedule screen for adding folders to be scanned appears.
  11. Click Add Folders.
  12. In the Browse for Folder Window, select the drives and folders to be scanned. You can add multiple numbers of drives and folders as per your requirement.

    If you want to exclude subfolders from being scanned, you can also select Exclude Subfolder. Click OK.

  13. On the Configure Scan Schedule screen, click Next.
  14. A summary of your scan schedule appears. Verify and click Finish to save and close the Scan Schedule dialogue.
  15. Click Close to close the Scan Schedule screen.

Editing a scan schedule

This feature allows you to change the scan schedule if required. To edit a scan schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  2. On the left pane, click Protection and then click Scan Settings.
  3. On the Scan Options screen, click Scan Schedule.
    The Scan Schedule details screen appears.
  4. Select the scan schedule that you want to edit and then click Edit.
  5. Make the required changes in the scan schedule and then click Next.
  6. On the Configure Scan Schedule screen, you can add or remove the drives and folders as per your preference and then click Next.
  7. Check the summary of the modification in the scan schedule.
  8. Click Finish to close the Scan Schedule dialogue.
  9. Click Close to close the Scan Schedule screen.

Removing a scan schedule

You can remove a scan schedule whenever required. To remove a scan schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  2. On the left pane, click Protection and then click Scan Settings.
  3. On the Scan Options screen, click Scan Schedule.
    The Scan Schedule details screen appears.
  4. Select the scan schedule that you want to remove and then click Remove.
    The confirmation screen appears.
  5. Click Yes to remove the selected scan schedule.
  6. To close the Scan Schedule screen, click Close.

To know about how to configure Scan Settings, see Scan Settings.

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