Quarantine & Backup

This feature allows you to safely isolate the infected or suspected files. The suspected files are quarantined in an encrypted format to prevent from being executed. This helps prevent infection.
If you want a copy of the infected file before it gets repaired, select the option Backup before taking action in Scan Settings.
You can also set when the quarantined files should be removed from Quarantine and have a backup of the files if you need.

Configuring Quarantine & Backup

To configure Quarantine & Backup, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  2. On the left pane, click Protection and then click Scan Settings.
  3. On the Scan Settings screen, click Quarantine & Backup.
    The Quarantine & Backup details screen appears.
  4. Select Delete quarantine/backup files after and set the number of days after which the files should be removed from Quarantine automatically. By default, 30 days is set.
  5. To see which files have been quarantined, click View Files. A list of the quarantine files appears. You can take any of the following actions on the quarantined files:
    • Submit for Analysis: Helps you send a quarantined file to the Quick Heal research labs for analysis. We will analyze the file and create an appropriate solution in future.
    • Add: Helps you quarantine a file manually.
    • Restore : Helps you restore a quarantined file to its original location.

      When you find a quarantined file trustworthy and try to restore it, an option for adding the file to the exclusion list appears. You can add the file to the exclusion list so that the same file is not treated as suspected and quarantined again.

    • Delete: Helps you delete a quarantined file. Select a quarantined file and click Delete.
    • Delete All: Helps you delete all the quarantined files at one go.
  6. To close the Quarantine dialog, click the Close button.
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