Advance DNAScan

DNAScan is an indigenous technology in Quick Heal products that detects and eliminates new and unknown malicious threats on your system. Advance DNAScan technology successfully traps suspected files with very less false alarms. Additionally, it quarantines the suspected file so that malware does not harm your system.

The quarantined suspicious files can be submitted to the Quick Heal research labs for further analysis that helps in tracking new threats and curb them on time. After the analysis, the threat is added in the known threat signature database and the solution is provided in the next updates to the users.

Configuring Advance DNAScan

To configure Advance DNAScan, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  2. On the left pane, click Protection and then click Scan Settings.
  3. On the Scan Settings screen, click Advance DNAScan.
    The Advance DNAScan details screen appears.
  4. Select either of the following options as per requirement:
    • Enable DNAScan: Select this option to enable DNAScan.
    • Enable Behavior detection system: Select this option if you want to enable Behavior detection system. The running applications will be monitored for their behavior. You can also set a security alert level from the Select Behavior detection level list either as High, Moderate, or Low.
      • High: If you select this security level, Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition will closely monitor the behavior of a running application and will alert you if any unusual application behavior is noticed. You may receive more alerts and sometimes even for genuine files.
      • Moderate: If you select this security level, Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition will send alert if any suspicious activity of a running application is noticed.
      • Low: If you select this security level, Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition will send alert only if any malicious activity of a running application is noticed.

        If you have selected Moderate or Low security level, Behavior detection system will also block many unknown threats in the background without prompting you for any action if it finds the application behavior suspected.

    • Do not submit files: Select this option if you do not want to submit suspicious files to the Quick Heal research labs.
    • Submit files: Select this option if you want to submit the suspicious files to the Quick Heal Research labs for further analysis. You can also select Show notification while submitting files to get prompts for permission before submitting the files.

    Tip: If the option Show notification while submitting files is not selected, Quick Heal will submit the suspicious files without notifying you.

    Advance DNAScan detects files by studying their characteristics and behavior.

    Detection by Characteristics

    Thousands of new and polymorphic threats (which change their code/file information) are born daily. Detecting them by their signature requires time. Our Advance DNAScan technology detects such threats in real time, with zero-time lapses.
    Whenever DNAScan detects a new malicious threat in your system, it quarantines the suspicious file and displays a message along with the file name. If you find that the file is genuine, you can also restore that file from quarantine by using the option provided in the message box.

    Detection by Behavior

    If the option Behavior detection system is enabled, DNAScan continuously monitors the activities performed by an application in your system. If the application deviates from its normal behavior or carries out any suspicious activity, Behavior detection system suspends that application from executing further activities that may cause potential damage to the system.
    Upon detecting such an application, it prompts you to take an appropriate action from the following options:

    • Allow: Take this action if you want to allow the application to run. Select this action if you are sure the applications are genuine.
    • Block: Take this action if you want to block the application from running.

    Submitting Suspected Files

    You can submit the suspicious files either automatically or manually. The submission takes place automatically whenever Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition updates itself and finds new quarantined DNAScan-suspected files. This file is sent in an encrypted file format to the Quick Heal research labs.
    You can also submit the quarantined files manually if you think they should be submitted immediately. You can submit the files in the following way:

    1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
    2. On the left pane, click Settings and then click View Quarantine Files.
      The Quarantine dialogue appears.
      A list of the files that have been quarantined is displayed.
    3. Select the files that you want to submit to the Quick Heal labs and then click Send.
    4. To close the Quarantine dialogue, click Close.
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