Spam Protection

Spam Protection allows you to differentiate genuine emails and filter out unwanted emails such as spam, phishing, and adult emails. We recommend you to keep Spam Protection enabled.

Configuring Spam Protection

To configure Spam Protection, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  2. On the left pane, click Protection and then click Email Protection.
  3. On the Email Protection screen, turn Spam Protection on.
  4. For further settings, click Spam Protection.
  5. Select the Tag subject with text (Recommended), to tag the subject of an email as SPAM.
  6. Under Spam protection level, set the protection level:
    • Soft – Select this option if you receive only a few spam emails or you want to block only the obvious spam emails. There is little possibility of genuine emails being identified as spam.
    • Moderate (Recommended) – Ensures optimum filtering. This is ideal if you receive spam emails in large number. However, there is a possibility of some genuine emails being identified as spam. It is recommended that you select the moderate filtering that is selected by default also.
    • Strict – Enforces the strict filtering criteria but is not ideal as the chances are high that some genuine emails may also be blocked. Select the strict filtering only when you receive too many spam emails or better select alternative means to stop spam emails.
  7. Select Enable email black list to create a blacklist of email addresses. The protection rules will be applicable on the blacklisted email addresses.
  8. Select Enable email white list to create a whitelist of email addresses. The protection rules will be applicable on the whitelisted email addresses.
  9. Select Enable AntiSpam plugin to implement the protection rules for AntiSpam plug-in.
  10. Click Save Changes to save your settings.

Creating blacklist of email addresses for Spam Protection

Blacklist is the list of unwanted email addresses. Content from the blacklisted email addresses is filtered and will be tagged as "[SPAM] -".
This feature is useful particularly if your server uses an open mail relay, which is used to send and receive emails from unknown senders. This mailer system can be misused by spammers. With blacklist, you can filter incoming emails that you do not want or are from unknown senders both by email addresses and domains.
To add email addresses in the blacklist, follow these steps:

  1. On the Spam Protection setting screen, select Enable email black list.
    The Customize button is activated.
  2. Click Customize.
  3. Enter an email address in the blacklist text box and then click Add.
    While entering an email address, be careful that you do not enter the same email address in the blacklist that you have entered in the whitelist, or else a message appears.
    To edit an email address, select the email address in the list and click Edit. To remove an email address, select an email address and click Remove.
  4. You can import the blacklist by clicking Import List.
    This is very helpful if you have exported the list of emails or saved AntiSpam data and want to use such emails.
  5. You can export the blacklist by clicking Export List.
    This exports all the email addresses existing in the list. This is helpful when you want to re-install Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition later or on another system and you want to have the same email addresses to be enlisted later.
  6. Click OK to save your settings.

Creating whitelist of email addresses for Spam Protection

Whitelist is the list of trusted email addresses. Content from the whitelisted email addresses is allowed to skip the spam protection filtering policy and is not tagged as SPAM.
This is helpful if you find that some genuine email addresses get detected as SPAM. If you have blacklisted a domain but may want to receive emails from certain email addresses from that domain.
To add email addresses in the whitelist, follow these steps:

  1. On the Spam Protection setting screen, select Enable email white list.
    The Customize button is activated.
  2. Click Customize.
  3. Enter an email address in the whitelist text box and then click Add.
    While entering an email address, be careful that you do not enter the same email address in the whitelist that you have entered in the blacklist, or else a message appears.
    To edit an email address, select the email address in the list and click Edit. To remove an email address, select an email address and click Remove.
  4. You can import the whitelist by clicking Import List.
    This is very helpful if you have exported the list of emails or saved AntiSpam data and want to use such emails.
  5. You can export the whitelist by clicking Export List.
    This exports all the email addresses existing in the list. This is helpful when you want to re-install Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition later or on another system and you want to have the same email addresses to be enlisted later.
  6. Click OK to save your settings.

Adding Domains to whitelist or blacklist

To add domain addresses in the whitelist or blacklist, follow these steps:

  1. Select either of the options Enable email white list or Enable email black list and then click Customize.
  2. Type the domain and click Add.
    The domain should be in the format: *
  3. To save the changes, click OK.

Note: Spam Protection is not available in Quick Heal AntiVirus Pro and Quick Heal AntiVirus Pro Advanced.

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