Anti Malware

Quick Heal AntiMalware, with its improved malware scanning engine, scans registry, files and folders at a very high speed to thoroughly detect and clean spyware, adware, rogueware, dialers, riskware and lots of other potential threats in your system.

Launching Quick Heal AntiMalware

You can launch Quick Heal AntiMalware in any of one the following ways:

  • On the left pane, click Protection and then click AntiMalware.
  • Right-click the Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition product icon in the Windows system tray and select Launch Antimalware.

Using Quick Heal AntiMalware

On the Quick Heal AntiMalware screen, click Scan Now to initiate the malware scan process. During scanning, Quick Heal AntiMalware displays the files, folders, and registry entries infected by malwares. Once the scan is complete, a list will be displayed with all the detected malwares contained in malicious files, folders, and registry entries.

You can clear specific file, folder, or registry entries from the displayed list, but ensure that all cleared items are genuine applications and not malicious ones.

In a case a malware is detected, you can take any of the following actions:

Options Description
Clean Helps you clean the malwares and its remains from the system. If you clear the specific file, folder or registry entry, you are prompted whether you want to exclude those items in future scan. If you want to permanently exclude those items, click Yes, otherwise click No for temporary exclusion.
Skip Helps you to skip taking any action against malwares in your system.
Stop Scan Helps you stop the scan.
Set System Restore point before cleaning Helps you create System Restore point before the cleaning process starts in your system. This helps you revert to the cleaning done by Quick Heal AntiMalware by using Windows System Restore facility. Note: The feature Set System Restore point before cleaning is not available in Windows 2000 operating system.
Details Helps you redirect to the website of Quick Heal.
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