Update Guidelines for Network Environment

If you are using multiple computers with Quick Heal installed, you can configure a server to provide hassle free updates to all computers in your network. You are suggested to follow these guidelines for best results.

  1. Set up one computer (may be the server) as the master update machine. Suppose server name is SERVER.
  2. Make a folder named as QHUPD on a local drive in your computer. For example: C:QHUPD. Assign Read-only sharing right to this folder.
  3. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  4. On the left pane, click Settings and then click Automatic Update. Turn Automatic Update on.
    Automatic Update is activated.
  5. Click the setting icon for Automatic Update.
  6. Select Copy update files to specified location.
  7. Browse the QHUPD folder and click OK.
  8. To save your settings, click Save Changes.
  9. On all user computers within the network launch Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  10. Under Settings, go to the Automatic Update page.
  11. Select Pick update files from specified path and click Browse.
  12. Locate the SERVERQHUPD folder from Network Neighborhood. Alternatively, you can type the path as \SERVERQHUPD.
  13. To save your settings, click Save Changes.
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