
Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition creates and maintains a detailed report of all important activities such as virus scan, updates details, changes in settings of the features, and so on.

Viewing Reports

To view reports and statistics of different features, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal AntiVirus Server Edition.
  2. On the left pane, click the More option and then select the Reports option.

    A Reports list appears.

  3. In the Reports for list, click a feature to view its report.

The report details list appears in the right pane. The report statistics on each feature includes Date and Time when the report was created and the reason for which the report was created.

Buttons Action
Details Helps you display a detailed report of the selected record in the list.
Delete All Helps you delete all the records in the list.
Delete Helps you delete the selected record in the list.
Close Helps you close the Reports screen.

You can view further details of a report of a feature. In the right pane, click the report to view the details. The report details screen appears that includes the following options.

Button Action
Prev Helps you display the detailed report of the previous record in the list. This button is not available if the selected record is the first record in the list.
Next Helps you display the detailed report of the next record in the list. This button is not available if the selected record is the last record in the list.
Print Helps you take the print of the detailed report.
Save As Helps you save the detailed report in .txt format in a location of your system.
Close Helps you exit from the report details screen.
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