System Tray Options

You can launch multiple features directly from system tray using Quick Heal icon located under “Show hidden icons” (Up Arrow ^).

Click the arrow icon and then right click Quick Heal option to view the features.

1. Open Quick Heal Internet Security

After you install Quick Heal antivirus, you can open it through the icon on the system tray.

  1. Right click the Quick Heal icon in the system tray to open Quick Heal Internet Security.
    The dashboard is displayed.

2. Safe Banking

You can access Safe Banking feature separately. When you install Quick Heal antivirus on your desktop, Safe Banking is also installed. A shortcut icon to Safe Banking is created on the desktop.

To launch a website in the Safe Banking shield, follow these steps:

  1. On your desktop, click the shortcut icon to Safe Banking. Or right-click the Quick Heal icon in the system tray and click Safe Banking.
    Safe Banking is launched. You can browse the websites that you want using the supported browsers available on the task bar.
    You can also bookmark a website so that you can browse such a website easily in future.
  2. Click Add Bookmark and type the URL of the website on the Add Bookmark dialog. Click Add.
    You may also add a website to a category so that it is easy to search your preferred website later.
  3. Click View Bookmark and click the URL that you want to run in the secure browser.

Note: This feature is supported on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge browsers only.

3. Secure Browse

Malicious web sites might steal your personal data such as email, password, banking credentials, and flood you with spam messages.

Secure Browse ensures a safe environment for your browser where all untrusted or unverified websites are automatically blocked. Hence, you are protected from losing any important data.

  1. To open Secure Browse, search for the shortcut icon Quick Heal Secure Browse located on your desktop.
    You can also right-click the Quick Heal icon in the system tray and click Secure Browse.
    Your default browser opens with a green border which indicates that you are browsing safely.

Note: Secure Browse is applicable only to the default browser.

4. Remote Support

Quick Heal offers a Remote support option to help users resolve their issues. The Remote Support option lets our support team connect to your desktop through the Team Viewer utility to resolve your technical issues. You first need to call the Support team to remotely connect for your technical issues.

  1. Right click the Quick Heal icon in the system tray to launch Remote Support.
    A consent form is displayed.
  2. Read the terms and conditions carefully and click I Agree. A Remote Viewer utility is launched and prompts you for permission.
  3. Click Yes on the permission prompt to allow the app to make required changes. An ID is displayed.
  4. Share the ID with the remote support team. The Support team will take remote control of your device and resolve your technical issue.

5. Update Now

Quick Heal antivirus receives automatic updates for the virus database from the Internet at regular intervals. However, you can manually update the Quick Heal antivirus database using the “Update Now” option whenever you choose.

To update Quick Heal antivirus online, follow these steps.

  1. Right-click the Quick Heal antivirus icon on the system tray and select Update Now.
    Quick Update starts updating.
  2. On completion of updating, click Finish.

Note: Quick Update connects to the Quick Heal website, downloads the appropriate updates, and applies the updates.

6. Virtual Keyboard

Virtual Keyboard helps you enter the required information without pressing any keys on the physical keyboard.
Use the virtual keyboard while doing banking transactions to prevent your information getting recorded by a keystroke logger malware.

  1. Right-click the Quick Heal antivirus icon on the system tray and select Virtual Keyboard.
    The Virtual Keyboard is displayed.
  2. Use the keyboard as required.
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