
You can open Quick Heal Internet Security in any one of the following ways:

  • On the taskbar, double-click the Quick Heal Internet Security icon or right-click the Quick Heal Internet Security icon and select Open Quick Heal Internet Security.
  • Select Start > Programs > Quick Heal Internet Security > Quick Heal Internet Security.
  • Select Start > Run, type the word scanner and press ENTER.

When you Open Quick Heal Internet Security, the Status section appears. Status includes the following topics:

1. Dashboard

The Status page is the single dashboard for you to manage your device health, and it has below sections:

A. License validity

It helps you track the number of days left in your license validity. To know more details about the license, you can click the License link.

B. Notifications

Click the Notification icon on upper right corner to view all the important information that needs your attention. Here you will receive different types of alerts, actionable items pending, and FYI (For your information only) details related to security of the device.

C. Action items

Based on a security analysis of your device, this section may display the actionable items you need to take to keep your device protected.

  • If your device does not have the latest virus updates, you will be asked to Update your device.
  • If your license has expired or is close to expiring, you will be prompted to Renew your license.
  • If your trial license has expired, you are prompted to purchase a new license.

2. Summary

The Summary on Status page displays the following:

A. Security & Privacy Scores

  • Security score: It indicates the level of protection your device has against viruses, malware, and other malicious programs.

    Click the button to view recommendations to improve your Security Score. Enable all recommendations for maximum protection of your device.

  • Privacy score: It indicates how safe is your data on your device.

    Click the button to view recommendations to improve your Privacy Score. Enable all recommendations for maximum protection of your digital privacy.

    • A low score indicates that your device is not well protected and open to threats.
    • A high score indicates that your device is well protected, and you can enjoy peace of mind.

B. Threats Statistics

The section displays important numbers that give you a real time picture of how many threats your device has been protected from by Quick Heal antivirus. Make sure you check these numbers regularly to ensure your device is always safe and sound.

C. Virus Database / Last Scan

The upper right corner displays the date and time when was the last updated on virus database made, along with last scan run date.

D. What’s New?

The vertical right pane keeps you informed about the latest security updates and tips to keep your device secure. We regularly publish new blogs, articles and announcements that keep you one step ahead of the cyber criminals.

Make sure that you are in touch with the latest announcements as they are super handy to be a smart internet individual in today’s times.

3. Report

The Report tab on Status page provides you with several helpful reports about your online activity and security status daily. Below are the types of reports available:

A. Screen Time Insights

Most individuals spend countless hours sitting in front of their screens. It might be due to their work or entertainment needs which can have serious impact on their health.

A study found that 50% of people spend over 10 hours/day using their laptops and mobile devices and suffer from migraines, eye pain, loss of focus etc.

To help you manage your screen item, we provide you with all your time spent on the screen so that you can build routine to cut down on your screen time and enjoy improved health.

The report gives the time that you have spent in front of the device screen graphically along with below filters:

  • Today
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 4 Weeks

B. Harmful Websites Blocked

Displays the count of the blocked harmful websites that you may have tried to access in the Last 30 Days or Last 90 Days. You can also view the list of the websites by clicking View Websites. A list of latest 50 distinct blocked websites is displayed.

C. Total Trackers Blocked

Most websites track your online activity and use that data to bombard you with related unwanted advertisements. Quick Heal blocks these trackers and this report gives you the details of trackers blocked.

Statistics are available for the last seven days (including today) and last four weeks of online activity. A breakup of trackers blocked by category is also displayed.

Note: If Anti Tracker is not enabled, you are prompted to enable Anti Tracker.

D. Total Threats

This report gives you the details of all the threats blocked on your device till today from the day QuickHeal was installed on this device.

Count of total threats blocked is available for last seven days (including today) and last four weeks.
A breakup of threats blocked by category is also displayed.

4. Miscellaneous Icons

The Miscellaneous Icons in the lower pane of the Status page displays the following:

A. Virtual Keyboard

Using the Virtual keyboard reduces the risk of your sensitive information getting recorded by a possible keystroke recording malware while you type in via your physical keyboard.

Virtual Keyboard helps you enter the required information without pressing any keys on the physical keyboard, and hence keyloggers cannot record you. Click the icon to use the Virtual Keyboard.

B. Support

In case you are facing any issues while using Quick Heal, you can always get in touch with our Support team. Click the Support option to view the various helpful sources available for you.

C. Feedback

Tell us how are we doing? We would love to hear your valuable suggestions and keep on improving our services. Simply share your feedback by clicking the Feedback button.

We will be eagerly waiting for your feedback.

D. Help

Not being able to manage your device safely on your own? Don’t worry, we got you covered. Simply click the “?” icon or press F1 and we will help you with all your doubts and questions.

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