
You need to add your devices to metaProtect before you can start using it. If you are a super admin or admin your devices are listed in My Devices section.

The User Devices section contains the details of devices of users that you have added.

A. Adding your first device

  1. Click Add Device on the metaProtect dashboard screen.

  2. Enter you mobile number on the Verify Details dialog box and click Submit.

  3. Enter the OTP that is sent to your mobile number.
    Your mobile number is verified.

  4. Enter your device name and corresponding product key.

  5. Click Add.
    Your device is added and listed in the devices section.

B. Adding Devices

  1. Click Add Device on the metaProtect dashboard screen.
  2. Enter your device name and corresponding product key.
  3. Click Add.
    Your device is added and listed in the devices section.

C. Transferring ownership of device

  1. On the left pane, click Devices.
    You are redirected to the Devices page.

  2. Select the device.

  3. To transfer the device ownership to a new user, click Transfer Ownership.

  4. Transfer Ownership dialog box is displayed.

  5. Select the new user and click Transfer.

    The device is transferred to the new user.

D. Removing a device

  1. On the left pane, click Devices.
    You are redirected to the Devices page.
  2. Select the device and click Remove Device.
  3. Click Delete on the confirmation dialog box.

E. Device Features

To use these features, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Devices, select the device.
  2. In the Device Features section, click the Sync Score to sync the latest score from device to metaProtect.


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