All Scans

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You can use the various scan options in Quick Heal to scan your device for threats.

Ensure you make scanning your device a regular habit to keep your system protected.

You can scan your entire system, custom folders, network and USB drives, folders or files, memory and boot time scan.

a. Settings

Click the Setting icon on the upper right corner to scan your device for threats.

    i. Scan Settings

    Configure the protection settings for files and folders in your system.
    You can configure the default or advance settings as required.

      Setting scan mode

      To configure Scan Settings, follow these steps:

      1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
      2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Settings > Scan Settings.
      3. On the Scan Settings screen, click > icon.
      4. In the Select scan mode , select Defaultto initiate the scan automatically, or select Advance for advanced level scanning.
      5. If you want to take a backup of the files before taking an action on them, select Backup before taking action .
      6. To save your settings, click Save .

      Scan modes

      Default: It is the default scan type and it ensures the optimal protection to your system. This setting is an ideal option for novice users.

      Advance: Experienced users can use this option to customize the scans. When you select the Advance option, the Configure button is activated and you can configure the Advanced settings for scanning.

        Configuring Advanced Scan Mode

        To configure Advanced Scan mode, follow these steps:

        1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
        2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Settings > Scan Settings.
        3. On the Scan Settings screen, click > icon.
        4. In the Select scan mode , select Advance.
          The Configure button is activated.
        5. Click Configure.
          The advanced scan setting details screen appears.
        6. In the Select item to scan , select Scan executable files if you want to scan only the executable files or select Scan all files if you want to scan all files.
          By default, the Scan executable files option is selected.
          It takes time to carry out Scan all files and the process may slow down your system.
        7. In the Additional Items , Select one of the following items for scanning:
          • Scan archive files : Select this option if you want to scan the archive files such as zip files and RAR files.
          • Scan packed files: Select this option if you want to scan packed files.
          • Scan mailboxes : Select Quick scan of mailboxes for a brief scan or else select Thorough scan of mailboxes to scan thoroughly.
        8. To save your settings, click Save .

      Scanning archive files

      This feature helps you configure the scan rules for archive files such as ZIP files, RAR files, and CHM files.
      To configure the Scan archive files feature, follow these steps:

      1. On the Advanced Settings screen, select Scan archive files .
        The Configure button is activated.
      2. Click the Configure button.
        The Scan archive files details screen appears.
      3. In Archive Scan Level , select the level to which you want to scan the files and folders.
        The default scan level is set to level 2. Increasing the default scan level may affect the scan speed.
      4. In the Select the type of archive that should be scanned , select the archive files types.
      5. To save your settings, click Save.

      Selecting the type of archive to be scanned

      A list of archives that can be included for scan during the scanning process is available in this section. Few of the common archives are selected by default that you can customize based on your requirement.

      The following table describes the archive types.

      Buttons Description
      Select All Enables you to select all archives in the list. When the checkbox is enabled, all will be selected; when disabled, all will be deselected.

      Scanning packed files

      This feature helps you scan packed or compressed files. Packed files are multiple files compressed into a single file to reduce the file size.
      Packed files can also be used to spread malware by packing a malicious file along with a set of files. When such files are unpacked they can cause harm to your device. If you want to scan packed files, select the Scan packed files option.

      Scanning mailboxes

      This feature allows you to scan the mailbox of Outlook Express 5.0 and later versions (inside the DBX files).
      Viruses such as KAK and JS.Flea.B, remain inside the DBX files and can reappear if patches are not applied for Outlook Express.

      The feature also scans the email attachments encoded with UUENCODE/MIME/BinHex (Base 64).
      The Scan mailboxes option is selected by default which activates the following two options.

      Options Description
      Quick scan of mailboxes Helps you skip all the previously scanned messages and scan only new messages. This option is selected by default.
      Thorough scan of mailboxes Helps you scan all the mails in the mailbox all the time. This may affect the speed as the size of the mailbox increases.

ii. Block Suspicious Packed Files

Packed files can contain malicious programs. These files, when unpacked, can cause harm to the device. This feature helps you identify and block such suspicious packed files.

It is recommended that you always keep this option enabled to ensure that the suspicious files are not accessed and thus prevent infection.

    Configuring Block Suspicious Packed Files

    To configure Block Suspicious Packed Files, follow these steps:

    1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
    2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Settings.
    3. On the Settings screen, turn Block Suspicious Packed Files on.
      By default, Block Suspicious Packed Files is turned on.

iii. Automatic Rogueware Scan

This feature automatically scans and removes rogueware and fake anti-virus software. If this feature is enabled, all the files are scanned for possible rogueware present in a file.

By default, Automatic Rogueware Scan is turned on.

    Configuring Automatic Rogueware Scan

    To configure Automatic Rogueware Scan, follow these steps:

    1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
    2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Settings.
    3. On the Settings screen, turn Automatic Rogueware Scan on.
      By default, Automatic Rogueware Scan is turned on.

iv. Schedule Scan

Regular scans keep your device free from viruses and other types of infections. This feature allows you to define schedules to scan your device automatically.

You can define multiple numbers of scan schedules to initiate scan at your convenience.

    Configuring Schedule Scan

    1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
    2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Settings
    3. On the Settings screen, for Schedule Scan , click > icon.
      The Schedule Scan details screen appears.
    4. To define a new scan schedule, click + Add.
    5. In Scan Name, type a scan name.
    6. In the Folders section, click +Add.
    7. Click + Add Folder to add the folders that you want to scan.
    8. In the Browse for Folder Window, select the drives and folders to be scanned. You can add multiple numbers of drives and folders as per your requirement.
      If you want to exclude subfolders from being scanned, you can also select Exclude Subfolder . Click OK .
    9. Click Save . You are redirected to the Schedule Scan screen.
    10. To configure Scan Settings, click the Settings icon on upper corner.
      You can specify scan mode, define the advanced options for scanning, and whether you want a backup of the files before taking any action on them. The automatic setting is adequate for scanning to keep your system clean. Click Save.
    11. Click Next
    12. Under Scan Frequency, select the following options based on your preferences:
      • Scan Frequency:
      • Daily: Select this option if you want to initiate scanning of your system daily. This option is selected by default.
      • Weekly: Select this option if you want to initiate scanning of your system on a certain day of the week. When you select the Weekly option, the Weekdays drop-down list is activated so you can select a day of the week.
      • Start Scan At:
      • First boot: This helps you schedule the scanner to begin at the first boot of the day. If you select this option, you do not need to specify the time of the day to start the scan. Scanning takes place only during the first boot regardless what time you start the system. By default, this option is selected.
      • Start at: Select this option to initiate the scanning of your system at a certain time. If you select this option, the time drop-down list is activated where you can set the time for scanning.
    13. Click Next.
    14. In the Username text box, enter your username and your password in the Password text box.
    15. Click Preview to check the settings. Edit details by clicking the Edit icon if required.
    16. Click Save . The Schedule scan setting is saved and added to the Schedule Scan list.

    Editing a scan schedule

    This feature allows you to change the scan schedule if required. To edit a scan schedule, follow these steps:

    1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
    2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Settings .
    3. On the Settings screen, for Schedule Scan , click the > icon.
      The Schedule Scan details screen appears with the listed scans.
    4. Select the scan schedule that you want to edit and then click the Editicon
    5. Make the required changes in the schedule scan and then click Save.

    Removing a scan schedule

    You can remove a scan schedule whenever required. To remove a scan schedule, follow these steps:

    1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
    2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Settings
    3. On the Settings screen, for Schedule Scan , click the > icon.
      The Schedule scan details screen appears with the listed scans.
    4. Click the Delete icon for the schedule scan that you want to remove. The confirmation screen appears
    5. Click Yes to remove the selected scan schedule.

v. Exclude Files & Folders

You can specify the files and folders that should not be included during scanning for ransomware and other malicious attacks. Exclusion of files helps you avoid unnecessary scanning of files that have already been scanned or those files that should not be scanned.

    Configuring Exclude Files & Folders

    To configure Exclude Files & Folders, follow these steps:

    1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
    2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Settings
    3. On the Settings screen, for Exclude Files & Folders, click the > icon.
      The Exclude Files & Folders details screen appears. Here you see the list of excluded files and folders that have been added.
    4. To add a new file or folder, click Add File or the Add Folder icon as required.
    5. Browse and select the file or folder to exclude from the scan settings. For selecting Folders, select the Include Subfolder option to exclude the sub folders.
    6. To save your settings, click Save.


    • You cannot select files or folders for exclusion from a remote connection.

vi. Quarantine & Backup

You can safely isolate (quarantine) the infected or suspected files in an encrypted format to prevent execution and prevent infection to your device.

If you want a copy of the infected file before it gets repaired, select the option Backup Files and Folders in Scan Settings.

You can also set when the quarantined files should be removed from Quarantine and have a backup of the files if you need.

    Configuring Quarantine & Backup

    To configure Quarantine & Backup, follow these steps:

    1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
    2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Settings .
    3. On the Settings screen, for Quarantine & Backup, click the > icon.
      The Quarantine & Backup details screen appears.
    4. Select the option Delete quarantine/backup files after and from the drop down list select the number of days after which the files will be deleted.
    5. Click View Files. The Quarantined & Backup details screen appears with a list of the quarantined and backed up files.
    6. You can take any of the following actions on the quarantined files:
      • Add: Helps you quarantine a file manually.
      • Restore: Helps you restore a quarantined file to its original location.
        When you find a quarantined file trustworthy and try to restore it, an option for adding the file to the exclusion list appears. You can add the file to the exclusion list so that the same file is not treated as suspected and quarantined again.
      • Remove: Helps you delete a quarantined file. Select a quarantined file, click Remove and confirm.
      • Submit for Analysis: Helps you send a quarantined file to the Quick Heal research labs for analysis. Enter your email address and click Submit. We will analyze the file and create an appropriate solution in future.
    7. To close the Quarantine dialog, click the Close button.

vii. Exclude File Extensions

You can create a list of file extensions that you want to exclude from Virus Protection. It is advisable that you exclude only the trusted file extensions. Files in the list will not be scanned.

    Creating Exclusion List

    1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
    2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Settings.
    3. On the Settings screen, click > icon.
    4. In the Enter file extension text box, enter the file type, and click the + icon to add file extension to the exclusion list .
      If the added extension is incorrect, select the Delete icon for that extension in the list to remove it.
    5. To save the list, click Save.

b. Quick Scan

This feature completes a routine scan of your system. With Quick Scan, only the predefined locations that can be vulnerable to malicious attacks are scanned.

To initiate a quick scan, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
  2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Quick Scan.
  3. Click Run.

The scan starts.

Scanning may take additional time with large amounts of data. You can select the Shutdown after scan checkbox to automatically shut down your system once the scan is complete.

c. Full Device Scan

A full device scan involves deep scanning of your device than a Quick Scan. It completely scans of all boot records, drives, folders, files, and vulnerabilities on your device (excluding mapped network drives).

Full Device Scan is advisable soon after first installation.
To initiate a full system scan, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
  2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Full Device Scan.
  3. Click Run.
  4. The scan starts. The file folder scan displays the count for files folders scanned, files repaired, files quarantined and files deleted.

After restarting the system following the completion of the full system scan, you receive a prompt asking if you would like to visit the report page to review the scan findings. Similarly, you can view the reports from the All Scans home page, against the Full System Scan option.

d. Memory Scan

This feature scans memory of your computer system.
To perform a memory scan, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
  2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Memory Scan.
  3. Click Run.
  4. The scan starts.

e. Vulnerability Scan

Vulnerabilities are the flaws present in the operating system settings and applications that can be misused by hackers.

A vulnerability scan helps you identify these vulnerabilities so that you can fix or patch them to make your device secure before it is compromised.

To run Vulnerability Scan, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
  2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Vulnerability Scan.
  3. Click Run.
    Vulnerability Scan checks for vulnerabilities of the following types:
    Vulnerable OS Settings: Detects vulnerable operating system settings that could lead to security threats.
    Vulnerabilities found in Applications: Detects vulnerabilities present in the applications that are installed on your computer.
    When the scan is complete, a summary of the scan is displayed. If you want to see the detailed report on the detected vulnerabilities, click a category from Vulnerable OS Settings and Vulnerabilities found in Applications.
    When scan is complete, a report on vulnerabilities is displayed with following details.
Report types Description
Vulnerable OS Settings Displays detected vulnerabilities in the operating system settings. To see the report in detail, click Vulnerable OS Settings on the Vulnerability Scan screen. All the vulnerabilities detected in the system settings are listed along with their fixes. You can apply fixes to the vulnerabilities by clicking Fix it. Click Fix all option to fix all OS vulnerabilities in one go
Vulnerabilities found in Applications Displays detected vulnerabilities in the applications installed on your computer. To see the report in detail, click Vulnerabilities found in Applications on the Vulnerability Scan screen. All the vulnerabilities are listed along with their links to the patches. To apply the patches, click Yes under Patch Available. You will be redirected to the relevant websites from where you can download the patches and apply them. If no patch is available, you may consider upgrading the application or contact the support of the application vendor.

f. AntiMalware Scan

Quick Heal AntiMalware, with its improved malware scanning engine, scans registry, files and folders at a very high speed to thoroughly detect and clean spyware, adware, rogueware, dialers, riskware and lots of other potential threats in your system.
To run AntiMalware Scan, follow these steps:

  1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
  2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > AntiMalware Scan.
  3. Click Run.
  4. A circular progress bar displays the progress of the scan.
    You can configure the settings as required by clicking the Settings icon on the upper right corner.

  • The Exclusion items in the list details screen appears with the list of excluded files and folders.
  • To add a new file or folder, click Add File or the Add Folder icon as required.
  • Browse and select the file or folder. Click OK.
    The file or folder is added to the exclusion list. You can select and delete items in the exclusion list.
  • Using Quick Heal AntiMalware

    On the Quick Heal AntiMalware screen, click Run to initiate the malware scan process. During scanning, Quick Heal AntiMalware displays the files, folders, and registry entries infected by malwares.

    Once the scan is complete, a list will be displayed with all the detected malwares contained in malicious files, folders, and registry entries.

    You can clear specific files, folder, or registry entries from the displayed list, but ensure that all cleared items are genuine applications and not malicious ones.

    In a case a malware is detected, you can take any of the following actions:

    • Clean: Helps you clean the malwares and its remains from the system. If you clear the specific file, folder or registry entry, you are prompted whether you want to exclude those items in future scan. If you want to permanently exclude those items, click Yes, otherwise click No for temporary exclusion.
    • Stop Scan: Helps you stop the scan.
    • Set System Restore point before cleaning: Helps you create System Restore point before the cleaning process starts in your system. This helps you revert to the cleaning done by Quick Heal AntiMalware by using Windows System Restore facility.
      Note: The feature Set System Restore point before cleaning is not available in Windows 2000 operating system.

    g. Other Scans

    You can perform some specific scans such as custom scan, boot time scan and mobile scan.

      i. Custom Scan

      This feature helps you scan specific drives and folders without scanning the entire system. This is helpful when you want to scan only certain items and not the entire system.
      To scan specific folders, follow these steps:

      1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
      2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Other Scans > Custom Scan.
      3. Click Run.
      4. On the Custom Scan screen, a list of items is displayed in the Scan Item list if you have added any items to scan. If you have not added any item before or you want to scan some new items, click Add to add the scan items.
        • On the Browse for Folder list, select the folders that you want to scan.
          You can add multiple folders for scanning. All the subfolders in the selected folder will also be scanned. You can exclude subfolder from scanning if required. To exclude the subfolder, select the Exclude Subfolder option and then click OK.
      5. Select an item from the Scan Item list and then click Start Scan.
      6. The scan starts.

      Scanning may take additional time with large amounts of data. You can select the Shutdown after scan checkbox to automatically shut down your system once the scan is complete.

      ii. Boot Time Scan

      This feature helps to clean even highly infected systems. Some viruses tend to be active if the system is running and they cannot be cleaned. Using Boot Time Scan, you can clean such viruses. This scan will be performed on next boot using Windows NT Boot Shell.

      To set Boot Time Scan, follow these steps:

      1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
      2. On the left pane, navigate to Protection > All Scans > Other Scans > Boot Time Scan.
      3. Click Set.
      4. You can configure the following options for boot time scan:
        • Quick Scan: Scans only system pre-defined locations that are at high risk to viruses. By default this option is selected
        • Full Device Scan: Scans the entire system. This may be time consuming.
      5. Click Yes.
      6. To restart the system for scanning immediately, click Yes. To scan the system later, click No.

      Note: In case Boot Time Scan takes time or it has been initiated by mistake, you can stop it by pressing the ESC key.

      iii. Mobile Scan

      With Mobile Scan, you can scan a wide range of Android, iOS, and Windows mobile phones. Before scanning your mobiles, see the following conditions.

      • Mobile Scan feature is supported on Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11 operating systems.
      • Install PCSuite and the device driver on your computer. Once your device gets connected to PCSuite, exit from PCSuite.
      • For scanning Android devices, ensure that the device is connected via USB cable, and USB debugging and Stay awake options must be enabled.
      • For iPhone (Mac) devices, iTunes must be installed on your system.

        Scanning mobiles through Mobile Scan

        With Mobile Scan, you can scan mobiles in the following way:

        1. Open Quick Heal Total Security.
        2. On the left pane,navigate to Protection > All Scans > Other Scans > Mobile Scan.
        3. Connect a mobile phone to your PC using USB cable.
        4. Click Run.
        5. A search for the model of the connected mobile phone is carried out.

        6. Select the mobile from the list. Click Start Scan.
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