Coupon Rules

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You can use product coupons to offer customer a discounts on Quick Heal products. When customers enter the coupon code at checkout while doing an in-app purchase, the coupon when applied reduces the final price of the product being purchased. In the CRW portal, the admin can enter various coupons and related rules as decided by the product management and stakeholders from time to time. You (admin) can offer discounts based on coupons to the customers purchasing Quick Heal products through the app and on the website.

Coupon Rules

You can create rules and assign the rules to coupons in the CRW configuration. These coupons are visible to the end user in app product purchase flow based on the conditions specified in the coupon rule. These conditions will apply on the CRW checkout for the specified product and reduce the purchase price.

Creating Coupon Rule

On the Coupon Rule page, a table containing Name, Condition and Action fields is displayed.

To create a coupon rule, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Coupon Rule tab.
    You are redirected to Coupon Rules page that displays existing coupon rules.

  2. Click Add Rule.
    You are redirected to Add Rule page.

  3. Enter a name for the rule. The name of the rule should be unique.

  4. Enter the parameter, condition, and the related values for the group.

  5. Select a parameter option from the first drop down, condition in the second drop down and the applicable values in the third drop down. Refer following table for possible conditions and applicable values for the selected parameters:


    Parameter Conditions that can be used Possible values Example of created rule
    Product Name ==, CONTAINS Single or multiple product values can be selected Product Name==’AntiVirus Pro’
    Sku Code ==, CONTAINS Single or multiple values can be selected Sku Code==’NQHTSD01U36’
    Period == Single or multiple values can be selected Period==’1’ Note: only 1 or 3 values (in years) are used as per Sku.
    Purchase Type == Single or multiple values can be selected Purchase Type==’Buy’
    Product Type ==, CONTAINS Single or multiple values can be selected Product Type==’Android’ *available in the future
    Product Version CONTAINS Single or multiple values can be selected Product Version CONTAINS ‘AV23’, ‘AV24’.
    Validity (left in days) ==, >, >=, <, <= Single value can be assigned Validity > 100
    Email ==, CONTAINS Single or multiple values can be selected separated by a comma Email==’
    Mobile No ==, CONTAINS Single or multiple values can be selected separated by a comma Mobile No==’123456789’
    Product Key ==, CONTAINS Single or multiple values can be selected separated by a comma Product Key==’ 26981-643F2-137A0-41707’
    Dealer Code ==, CONTAINS Single, multiple or blank values can be selected separated by a comma Dealer Code==’222’ (alphanumeric values are allowed)
    BagEngCode ==, CONTAINS Single, multiple, or blank values can be selected separated by a comma BagEngCode==’2345’
    State ==, CONTAINS Single or multiple values can be selected separated by a comma State==’Maharashtra’ Valid States names can be used.
    City ==, CONTAINS Single or multiple values can be selected separated by a comma City==’Pune’
    KYC == True, False or Blank Only blank value accepted as of release date.

    Later you can assign this rule to one of the coupon codes.

  6. Click + plus icon to add multiple conditions with the AND or OR operation.

  7. Click + plus icon in front of Group to create multiple groups if required.

  8. Click Save. The rule is created. In the table we can see the rule name with the given conditions. You can edit and delete the rules as required through the respective icons.

    Note: You cannot delete any rule to which coupons are assigned.

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